As Mountain West Transmission Group finalizes its new RTO model, many of their participants are evaluating processes and systems for growing in the deregulated market place. By taking advantage of the SPP RTO model, Mountain West participants will be able to leverage a new range of energy and financial products not previously available to them. With these new products, Mountain West participants will see a more competitive market place and complex settlement protocols.
Adapt2 ISO is currently used by generation, retail, and financial market participants in the SPP market. Our Bid Accelerator platform allows generators and retailers to rapidly formulate bids and offers across multiple assets and strategies. SPP IM interaction is a simple and efficient process with Adapt2 ISO. All offer inputs can be combined with other revenue and cost components to support real-time intra-day Profit and Loss reporting. For any virtual and financial products, Adapt2 ISO’s Virtual Trader aggregates and stacks multiple bids for the same location into a single curve ensuring positions are not overwritten by multiple traders. Award volumes are then allocated to each trader based on the bidding rules of SPP.
Adapt2 ISO downloads settlement statements, invoices, and SPP public data allowing for swift drill-analytics into SPP payments and charges. Adapt2 ISO’s Revenue Assurance module is critical in the competitive market place to ensure SPP invoices correctly as well as shadow revenue and costs of operating in a modern ISO. Now is the time for new SPP entrants to evaluate old and new systems since the shift to centralized dispatch will reduce the value of legacy systems and the increased electronic interaction will push legacy systems to their limits.
With SPP’s rollout of Integrated Marketplace, the need for asset optimization (AO) and unit forecast decreased greatly. Market participants may still find good uses for AO such as reporting for long term unit commitment studies or fuel management, but there are many new entrants that provide right-sized solutions at a steep discount to the legacy vendors in that space. Generally, as participants integrate with or enter modern ISOs, we see a shift in focus from AO to operational efficiency as it relates to interacting with the ISO and managing the increased electronic transactions and billing line items. Adapt2 ISO provides that operational efficiency
– Michael Dupeire, Senior Manager Product Services